Delegation not found at parent...?

I hope someone can help me with this.

If I run the following test -

I get the following error:

Delegation not found at parent. No delegation could be found at the parent, making your zone unreachable from the Internet.

I have tried googling the error but I am not finding much.

Does anyone know what the error means and how I can fix it?

Try or instead.

The error you were given means that the nameservers for have not delegated the subdomain of to a different set of nameservers.

The confusion I think you are having here is that the check you are performing is for a zone and not for a record. The record is working fine. The zone is working fine. The zone doesn't exist, so you get an error message.

Of course, let me know if you are actually trying to delegate the www subdomain to a different set of nameservers, because if you are then you have a different problem.

If all you want to do is check that a record exists and returns the correct value, a simple dig or nslookup is enough for that. The IntoDNS check above includes a lookup for www.