Checking something isEmpty in Javascript?

How can I check if a variable is empty in Javascript? Sorry for the stupid question, but I'm a newbie in Javascript!

if( is empty {
    do something
else {
    do something else
} was from JSON, and it could be empty sometimes, empty data cells! I want to check if it's empty.

If you're testing for an empty string:

if(myVar === ''){ // do stuff };

If you're checking for a variable that has been declared, but not defined:

if(myVar === null){ // do stuff };

If you're checking for a variable that may not be defined:

if(myVar === undefined){ // do stuff };

If you're checking both i.e, either variable is null or undefined:

if(myVar == null){ // do stuff };

This is a bigger question than you think. Variables can empty in a lot of ways. Kinda depends on what you need to know.

// quick and dirty will be true for '', null, undefined, 0, NaN and false.
if (!x) 

// test for null OR undefined
if (x == null)  

// test for undefined OR null 
if (x == undefined) 

// test for undefined
if (x === undefined) 
// or safer test for undefined since the variable undefined can be set causing tests against it to fail.
if (typeof x == 'undefined') 

// test for empty string
if (x === '') 

// if you know its an array
if (x.length == 0)  
// or
if (!x.length)

// BONUS test for empty object
var empty = true, fld;
for (fld in x) {
  empty = false;

This should cover all cases:

function empty( val ) {

    // test results
    // []        true, empty array
    // {}        true, empty object
    // null      true
    // undefined true
    // ""        true, empty string
    // ''        true, empty string
    // 0         false, number
    // true      false, boolean
    // false     false, boolean
    // Date      false
    // function  false

        if (val === undefined)
        return true;

    if (typeof (val) == 'function' || typeof (val) == 'number' || typeof (val) == 'boolean' || === '[object Date]')
        return false;

    if (val == null || val.length === 0)        // null or 0 length array
        return true;

    if (typeof (val) == "object") {
        // empty object

        var r = true;

        for (var f in val)
            r = false;

        return r;

    return false;

I see potential shortcomings in many solutions posted above, so I decided to compile my own.
Note: it uses Array.prototype.some, check your browser support.

Solution below considers variable empty if one of the following is true:

  1. JS thinks that variable is equal to false, which already covers many things like 0, "", [], and even [""] and [0]
  2. Value is null or it's type is 'undefined'
  3. It is an empty Object
  4. It is an Object/Array consisting only of values that are empty themselves (i.e. broken down to primitives each part of it equals false). Checks drill recursively into Object/Array structure. E.g.

    isEmpty({"": 0}) // true
    isEmpty({"": 1}) // false
    isEmpty([{}, {}])  // true
    isEmpty(["", 0, {0: false}]) //true

Function code:

 * Checks if value is empty. Deep-checks arrays and objects
 * Note: isEmpty([]) == true, isEmpty({}) == true, isEmpty([{0:false},"",0]) == true, isEmpty({0:1}) == false
 * @param value
 * @returns {boolean}
function isEmpty(value){
  var isEmptyObject = function(a) {
    if (typeof a.length === 'undefined') { // it's an Object, not an Array
      var hasNonempty = Object.keys(a).some(function nonEmpty(element){
        return !isEmpty(a[element]);
      return hasNonempty ? false : isEmptyObject(Object.keys(a));

    return !a.some(function nonEmpty(element) { // check if array is really not empty as JS thinks
      return !isEmpty(element); // at least one element should be non-empty
  return (
    value == false
    || typeof value === 'undefined'
    || value == null
    || (typeof value === 'object' && isEmptyObject(value))

Here my simplest solution.

Inspired by PHP empty function

function empty(n){
	return !(!!n ? typeof n === 'object' ? Array.isArray(n) ? !!n.length : !!Object.keys(n).length : true : false);

//with number
console.log(empty(0));        //true
console.log(empty(10));       //false

//with object
console.log(empty({}));       //true
console.log(empty({a:'a'}));  //false

//with array
console.log(empty([]));       //true
console.log(empty([1,2]));    //false

//with string
console.log(empty(''));       //true
console.log(empty('a'));      //false