Print from a page that doesn't allow any commands?

Some websites prevent you from using keyboard shortcuts because they are worried that you will steal content such as trying to save an image by right-clicking on it. Try using the browser's "Print" option in the top menu, instead of Ctrl+P or the right-click menu.

Google Chrome

Click the wrench icon (upper right) and then choose "Print...". Chrome print


Click Firefox (upper left), go to "Print..." , and then choose "Print...". Firefox print

Internet Explorer

Click the gear (upper right), go to "Print", and choose "Print...". IE print

In Chrome, you can click the "hot dogs" icon in the right upper corner and choose Print....

In Firefox, you can click the Firefox icon in the left upper corner and choose Print....

Unless the page requires it to load, you could also disable JavaScript to avoid this and other annoyances:

  • In Chrome, open chrome://chrome/settings/content and add the hostname to the block list.

  • In Firefox, you can temporarily disable JavaScript in Firefox → Options → Options → Content or install the NoScript extension to block JavaScript for specific sites only.

Take a screenshot (see the accepted answer), crop in image editor to remove browser controls, do whatever you want with the image.