Less "aggressive" synonym for "left the company"

I am looking for a single word that you would use when someone has left a company. This can be because the person quit, they are fired, retired,...
I was thinking about Discharged but that seems like it only means fired. I thought of other words like Out of service but that just feels like it's a machine.
Is there a single word that I can use to describe this status?

I really need it to be a single word.  I want to use it like a kind of “stamp” to add over the person’s profile picture in our intranet.

Any person who leaves a company for whatever reason becomes an ex employee.
The OP can join the compound with a hyphen, i.e. ex-employee, if a single-word is absolutely necessary. Google reports thousands of instances using this form.

There may not be a single word for what you are asking. Terminating employment is generally so fraught with circumstances and combinations of circumstances (voluntary/involuntary, for cause/down-sizing, retiring/found a better job, personality conflict, etc.) that descriptions will either be very specific or deliberately obscure. Neither case lends itself to single words.

What about "Bob switched/changed companies"?