Is it safe to replace '==' with 'is' to compare Boolean-values

You probably shouldn't ever need to compare booleans. If you are doing something like:

if some_bool == True:

...just change it to:

if some_bool:

No is or == needed.

As commenters have pointed out, there are valid reasons to compare booleans. If both booleans are unknown and you want to know if one is equal to the other, you should use == or != rather than is or is not (the reason is explained below). Note that this is logically equivalent to xnor and xor respectively, which don't exist as logical operators in Python.

Internally, there should only ever be two boolean literal objects (see also the C API), and bool(x) is True should be True if bool(x) == True for any Python program. Two caveats:

  • This does not mean that x is True if x == True, however (eg. x = 1).
  • This is true for the usual implementation of Python (CPython) but might not be true in other implementations. Hence == is a more reliable comparison.

Watch out for what else you may be comparing.

>>> 1 == True
>>> 1 is True

True and False will have stable object ids for their lifetime in your python instance.

>>> id(True)
>>> id(True)

is compares the id of an object

EDIT: adding or

Since OP is using or in question it may be worth pointing this out.

or that evaluates True: returns the first 'True' object.

>>> 1 or True
>>> 'a' or True
>>> True or 1

or that evaluates False: returns the last 'False' object

>>> False or ''
>>> '' or False

and that evaluates to True: returns the last 'True' object

>>> True and 1
>>> 1 and True

and that evaluates to False: returns the first 'False' object

>>> '' and False
>>> False and ''

This is an important python idiom and it allows concise and compact code for dealing with boolean logic over regular python objects.

>>> bool([])
>>> bool([0])
>>> bool({})
>>> bool({False: False})
>>> bool(0)
>>> bool(-1)
>>> bool('False')
>>> bool('')

Basically 'empty' objects are False, 'non empty' are True.

Combining this with @detly's and the other answers should provide some insight into how to use if and bools in python.

Yes. There are guaranteed to be exactly two bools, True and False:

Class bool cannot be subclassed further. Its only instances are False and True.

That means if you know both operands are bool, == and is are equivalent. However, as detly notes, there's usually no reason to use either in this case.