Cheapest way to send SMS for number verification? [closed]

Solution 1:

I'd suggest using TextAnywhere:

Text Anywhere

They provide API's (C, Java, .Net, PHP etc) for several languages and provide a multitude of rates and packages depending on the volume of texts sent.

They're also very flexible with regards to payment - they do pre-pay, PAYG and fixed monthly limits.


We used them for a large-sized application to send alert notification messages and they were very reliable. They also give 15% discount for registered charities and academic institutions.

Solution 2:

Twilio is the best, fastest, cheapest and has a TON of amazing features you may choose to use in the future

Solution 3:

You're looking for a bulk SMS provider that can send internationally. A web search for "bulk sms" will show tons, including some I have experience with: clickatel, mblox, clx. The simplest way to interact with such services is via HTTP by POSTing your submissions to their gateway.

Solution 4:

The absolute cheapest way (I can think of) is set up a system yourself.

By a contract to some cell phone provider and hook this up to your linux computer.

Here is a thread discussing the set up process on linux. It's not a walk in the park but it is cheap.