Cannot format my SD card [duplicate]

It's very easy.

  1. First insert your SD in Sdcard Reader, let Ubuntu mount it.
    check the access path for the sd card using df You will get some output like this

    Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda7      104087776 76247376  22529988  78% /
    /dev/sdd1       15549952    13056  15536896   1% /media/g/3630-6335  
  2. Unmount the sd using

    sudo umount /path/to/sd/card
  3. Format the card using mkfs

    sudo mkfs.vfat -F32 -v /path/to/sd/card

-F flag is for Fat32 system.
-v flag is for being verbose

You can use the included Disks application

enter image description here

Click on the target partition. Now you can create new partitions, format the disk or change partition type.

Use the software gparted to format the partition on your sd drive

  1. Download gparted from the software centre

  2. Start it

  3. Load your sd within the software (upper right button)

  4. right click on sd partition: unmount

  5. Delete partition

  6. Create new partition fat32, label it as you like

That's it, if you have any problem write here :)