is heaven for ddos attackers, How to file complaint? [closed]

Solution 1:

Generally your options are (in the order you should try them):

  1. Your ISP
    Your ISP should be willing to block (and deal with) DoS attacks on your behalf. At minimum they should be willing to block the traffic to your port/system with a firewall (though they may charge you for that privilege).
    Your comments indicated that your ISP's attitude is "If it's not sustained for several days we won't do anything", so like David said, it's time to look for an ISP that isn't brain-damaged, and maybe let your account rep know WHY you're leaving.

    Really Good ISPs (enterprise grade) will have DoS mitigation policies. They often contract with someone like Arbor Networks to help deal with such things.

  2. The Remote ISP
    You can really try this at the same time as #1 - talk to their abuse contact (obtained from whois, and/or try avenues of contact listed on their website (because some companies don't keep whois up to date like they're supposed to).
    You already tried this, and the remote ISP is being useless.

  3. Involve The Lawyers
    Have your attorney draft a letter to the offending ISP identifying the source of the attacks, detailing your attempts to contact them (and their inaction), and instructing them to address the issue under threat of legal action.
    This is really only effective if (a) the ISP is in the same general jurisdiction as you are, and (b) They care about legal threats.

  4. Involve The Cops
    Tom mentioned the FBI Internet Crime Center. These guys are very helpful, if your case is important enough to warrant their action.
    DoS attack on critical infrastructure, banks, etc? -- Quick action.
    DoS attack on your CounterStrike Server? -- You'll be told to piss off, probably not that politely.

5. Vigilante Justice
I absolutely DO NOT recommend this approach. Basically you get a bunch of your friends together to pound the heck out of the system(s) attacking you.
This opens YOU up to the same kind of retaliation (and the possibility of steps 1-4 above being applied to YOU, which may get you a knock on the door from law enforcement).

Solution 2:

Could try the directors -

Could also try their upstream providers -

AS1299 - TeliaNet Global Network - [email protected]

AS3549 - Level 3 - [email protected]

AS2914 - NTT - [email protected]

AS3257 - Tinet - [email protected]

Solution 3:

Try (Internet storm center) or

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