Call an action from within another action

I have the following setup for my actions:

get1: ({commit}) => {
  this.get2(); //this is my question!
get2: ({commit}) => {

I want to be able to call one action from within another, so in this example I want to be able to call get2() from within get1(). Is this possible, and if so, how can I do it?

Solution 1:

You have access to the dispatch method in the object passed in the first parameter:

get1: ({ commit, dispatch }) => {

This is covered in the documentation.

Solution 2:

You can access the dispatch method through the first argument (context):

export const actions = {
  get({ commit, dispatch }) {

However, if you use namespaced you need to specify an option:

export const actions = {
  get({ commit, dispatch }) {
    dispatch('action2', {}, { root: true })