How can I charge my iPhone without waking up my MacBook Pro?

I have a MacBook Pro (10.7.3) and an iPhone 4 (5.1). When I'm trying to conserve outlets, I charge my iPhone at night by plugging it directly into my computer.

If my computer is asleep with the lid closed, when I plug in the iPhone, the computer briefly wakes up, and it takes a few moments before it starts charging. (If the computer is already awake, the charging is instantaneous.) But my computer takes a while to go back to sleep because it saves the contents of RAM (safe sleep).

How can I plug the iPhone it in to charge, without waking up the computer? (And why does this happen in the first place?)

(I've already set up my computer so that iTunes and iPhoto don't launch when I plug in my phone — but this doesn't seem to be enough.)

Solution 1:

It has to do with connection activity on the USB data lines in a usb cable. For example, I have a Matias Tune Blocker connected to my Mac Pro. When I have the switch set to sync my iPhone, aka its acting as a regular USB data cable for for a USB device, the Mac Pro will wake from sleep as soon as the iPhone is connected.

However when I have the switch on the Tune Blocker set to charge only, eg only the USB power pins are enabled, the Mac Pro will not wake from sleep when the iPhone, etc is connected to the cable. So a solution to keep your mac a sleep when connecting your iPhone would be something like a Tune Blocker, or making a modified USB extension cable that cuts the Data wires for the device plugged into that extension cable.

Matias Tune Blocker Image

Solution 2:

You can't - activity on the USB port requires the computer to wake up. If this behaviour was disabled then the times when you do something on USB and want the computer to wake up, it could not.

One time where this would definitely not be desired behaviour is when you plug in a USB keyboard and external monitor in order to use your closed MacBook Pro with the lid closed.

Solution 3:

TwelveSouth offers a product called the PlugBug to charge both devices together.

PlugBug is made exclusively for all MacBook Power Adapters, including current and previous models. Snap PlugBug onto your MacBook Power Adapter and you now have the first ever device that lets you charge your MacBook + iPad or iPhone simultaneously, from one wall outlet. Maybe is this something for you!