How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare? [closed]
While a comprehensive answer to this question takes up hundreds of pages of my book, here's a quick comparison chart that I'm still working on:
I came across another performance comparison(latest update 10 April 2014). It compares the following:
- AutoFac
- LightCore (site is German)
- LinFu
- Ninject
- Petite
- Simple Injector (the fastest of all contestants)
- Spring.NET
- StructureMap
- Unity
- Windsor
- Hiro
Here is a quick summary from the post:
Ninject is definitely the slowest container.
MEF, LinFu and Spring.NET are faster than Ninject, but still pretty slow. AutoFac, Catel and Windsor come next, followed by StructureMap, Unity and LightCore. A disadvantage of Spring.NET is, that can only be configured with XML.
SimpleInjector, Hiro, Funq, Munq and Dynamo offer the best performance, they are extremely fast. Give them a try!
Especially Simple Injector seems to be a good choice. It's very fast, has a good documentation and also supports advanced scenarios like interception and generic decorators.
You can also try using the Common Service Selector Library and hopefully try multiple options and see what works best for you.
Some informtion about Common Service Selector Library from the site:
The library provides an abstraction over IoC containers and service locators. Using the library allows an application to indirectly access the capabilities without relying on hard references. The hope is that using this library, third-party applications and frameworks can begin to leverage IoC/Service Location without tying themselves down to a specific implementation.
13.09.2011: Funq and Munq were added to the list of contestants. The charts were also updated, and Spring.NET was removed due to it's poor performance.
04.11.2011: "added Simple Injector, the performance is the best of all contestants".
Just read this great .Net DI container comparison blog by Philip Mat.
He does some thorough performance comparison tests on;
- Autofac
- StructureMap
- Ninject
- Unity
- Castle.Windsor
- Spring.Net
He recommends Autofac as it is small, fast, and easy to use ... I agree. It appears that Unity and Ninject are the slowest in his tests.
Disclaimer: As of early 2015, there is a great comparison of IoC Container features from Jimmy Bogard, here is a summary:
Compared Containers:
- Autofac
- Ninject
- Simple Injector
- StructureMap
- Unity
- Windsor
The scenario is this: I have an interface, IMediator, in which I can send a single request/response or a notification to multiple recipients:
public interface IMediator
TResponse Send<TResponse>(IRequest<TResponse> request);
Task<TResponse> SendAsync<TResponse>(IAsyncRequest<TResponse> request);
void Publish<TNotification>(TNotification notification)
where TNotification : INotification;
Task PublishAsync<TNotification>(TNotification notification)
where TNotification : IAsyncNotification;
I then created a base set of requests/responses/notifications:
public class Ping : IRequest<Pong>
public string Message { get; set; }
public class Pong
public string Message { get; set; }
public class PingAsync : IAsyncRequest<Pong>
public string Message { get; set; }
public class Pinged : INotification { }
public class PingedAsync : IAsyncNotification { }
I was interested in looking at a few things with regards to container support for generics:
- Setup for open generics (registering IRequestHandler<,> easily)
- Setup for multiple registrations of open generics (two or more INotificationHandlers)
Setup for generic variance (registering handlers for base INotification/creating request pipelines) My handlers are pretty straightforward, they just output to console:
public class PingHandler : IRequestHandler<Ping, Pong> { /* Impl */ }
public class PingAsyncHandler : IAsyncRequestHandler<PingAsync, Pong> { /* Impl */ }
public class PingedHandler : INotificationHandler<Pinged> { /* Impl */ }
public class PingedAlsoHandler : INotificationHandler<Pinged> { /* Impl */ }
public class GenericHandler : INotificationHandler<INotification> { /* Impl */ }
public class PingedAsyncHandler : IAsyncNotificationHandler<PingedAsync> { /* Impl */ }
public class PingedAlsoAsyncHandler : IAsyncNotificationHandler<PingedAsync> { /* Impl */ }
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterSource(new ContravariantRegistrationSource());
builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(typeof (IMediator).Assembly).AsImplementedInterfaces();
builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(typeof (Ping).Assembly).AsImplementedInterfaces();
- Open generics: yes, implicitly
- Multiple open generics: yes, implicitly
- Generic contravariance: yes, explicitly
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Components.Add<IBindingResolver, ContravariantBindingResolver>();
kernel.Bind(scan => scan.FromAssemblyContaining<IMediator>()
kernel.Bind(scan => scan.FromAssemblyContaining<Ping>()
- Open generics: yes, implicitly
- Multiple open generics: yes, implicitly
- Generic contravariance: yes, with user-built extensions
Simple Injector
var container = new Container();
var assemblies = GetAssemblies().ToArray();
container.Register<IMediator, Mediator>();
container.Register(typeof(IRequestHandler<,>), assemblies);
container.Register(typeof(IAsyncRequestHandler<,>), assemblies);
container.RegisterCollection(typeof(INotificationHandler<>), assemblies);
container.RegisterCollection(typeof(IAsyncNotificationHandler<>), assemblies);
- Open generics: yes, explicitly
- Multiple open generics: yes, explicitly
- Generic contravariance: yes, implicitly (with update 3.0)
var container = new Container(cfg =>
cfg.Scan(scanner =>
- Open generics: yes, explicitly
- Multiple open generics: yes, explicitly
- Generic contravariance: yes, implicitly
/* later down */
static bool IsNotificationHandler(Type type)
return type.GetInterfaces().Any(x => x.IsGenericType && (x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(INotificationHandler<>) || x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IAsyncNotificationHandler<>)));
static LifetimeManager GetLifetimeManager(Type type)
return IsNotificationHandler(type) ? new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager() : null;
static string GetName(Type type)
return IsNotificationHandler(type) ? string.Format("HandlerFor" + type.Name) : string.Empty;
- Open generics: yes, implicitly
- Multiple open generics: yes, with user-built extension
- Generic contravariance: derp
var container = new WindsorContainer();
container.Kernel.AddHandlersFilter(new ContravariantFilter());
- Open generics: yes, implicitly
- Multiple open generics: yes, implicitly
- Generic contravariance: yes, with user-built extension