Can I pass a block as a @selector with Objective-C?

Is it possible to pass an Objective-C block for the @selector argument in a UIButton? i.e., Is there any way to get the following to work?

    [closeOverlayButton addTarget:self 
                           action:^ {[anotherIvarLocalToThisMethod removeFromSuperview];} 


Solution 1:

Yes, but you'd have to use a category.

Something like:

@interface UIControl (DDBlockActions)

- (void) addEventHandler:(void(^)(void))handler 


The implementation would be a bit trickier:

#import <objc/runtime.h>

@interface DDBlockActionWrapper : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^blockAction)(void);
- (void) invokeBlock:(id)sender;

@implementation DDBlockActionWrapper
@synthesize blockAction;
- (void) dealloc {
  [self setBlockAction:nil];
  [super dealloc];

- (void) invokeBlock:(id)sender {
  [self blockAction]();

@implementation UIControl (DDBlockActions)

static const char * UIControlDDBlockActions = "unique";

- (void) addEventHandler:(void(^)(void))handler 
        forControlEvents:(UIControlEvents)controlEvents {

  NSMutableArray * blockActions = 
                 objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &UIControlDDBlockActions);

  if (blockActions == nil) {
    blockActions = [NSMutableArray array];
    objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &UIControlDDBlockActions, 
                                        blockActions, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);

  DDBlockActionWrapper * target = [[DDBlockActionWrapper alloc] init];
  [target setBlockAction:handler];
  [blockActions addObject:target];

  [self addTarget:target action:@selector(invokeBlock:) forControlEvents:controlEvents];
  [target release];



Some explanation:

  1. We're using a custom "internal only" class called DDBlockActionWrapper. This is a simple class that has a block property (the block we want to get invoked), and a method that simply invokes that block.
  2. The UIControl category simply instantiates one of these wrappers, gives it the block to be invoked, and then tells itself to use that wrapper and its invokeBlock: method as the target and action (as normal).
  3. The UIControl category uses an associated object to store an array of DDBlockActionWrappers, because UIControl does not retain its targets. This array is to ensure that the blocks exist when they're supposed to be invoked.
  4. We have to ensure that the DDBlockActionWrappers get cleaned up when the object is destroyed, so we're doing a nasty hack of swizzling out -[UIControl dealloc] with a new one that removes the associated object, and then invokes the original dealloc code. Tricky, tricky. Actually, associated objects are cleaned up automatically during deallocation.

Finally, this code was typed in the browser and has not been compiled. There are probably some things wrong with it. Your mileage may vary.

Solution 2:

Blocks are objects. Pass your block as the target argument, with @selector(invoke) as the action argument, like this:

id block = [^{NSLog(@"Hello, world");} copy];// Don't forget to -release.

[button addTarget:block

Solution 3:

No, selectors and blocks are not compatible types in Objective-C (in fact, they're very different things). You'll have to write your own method and pass its selector instead.

Solution 4:

Is it possible to pass an Objective-C block for the @selector argument in a UIButton?

Taking in all the already provided answers, the answer is Yes but a tiny bit of work is necessary to setup some categories.

I recommend using NSInvocation because you can do a lot with this such as with timers, stored as an object and invoked...etc...

Here is what I did, but note I am using ARC.

First is a simple category on NSObject:


@interface NSObject (CategoryNSObject)

- (void) associateValue:(id)value withKey:(NSString *)aKey;
- (id) associatedValueForKey:(NSString *)aKey;



#import "Categories.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>

@implementation NSObject (CategoryNSObject)

#pragma mark Associated Methods:

- (void) associateValue:(id)value withKey:(NSString *)aKey {

    objc_setAssociatedObject( self, (__bridge void *)aKey, value, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN );

- (id) associatedValueForKey:(NSString *)aKey {

    return objc_getAssociatedObject( self, (__bridge void *)aKey );


Next is a category on NSInvocation to store in a block:


@interface NSInvocation (CategoryNSInvocation)

+ (NSInvocation *) invocationWithTarget:(id)aTarget block:(void (^)(id target))block;
+ (NSInvocation *) invocationWithSelector:(SEL)aSelector forTarget:(id)aTarget;
+ (NSInvocation *) invocationWithSelector:(SEL)aSelector andObject:(__autoreleasing id)anObject forTarget:(id)aTarget;



#import "Categories.h"

typedef void (^BlockInvocationBlock)(id target);

#pragma mark - Private Interface:

@interface BlockInvocation : NSObject
@property (readwrite, nonatomic, copy) BlockInvocationBlock block;

#pragma mark - Invocation Container:

@implementation BlockInvocation

@synthesize block;

- (id) initWithBlock:(BlockInvocationBlock)aBlock {

    if ( (self = [super init]) ) {

        self.block = aBlock;

    } return self;

+ (BlockInvocation *) invocationWithBlock:(BlockInvocationBlock)aBlock {
    return [[self alloc] initWithBlock:aBlock];

- (void) performWithTarget:(id)aTarget {


#pragma mark Implementation:

@implementation NSInvocation (CategoryNSInvocation)

#pragma mark - Class Methods:

+ (NSInvocation *) invocationWithTarget:(id)aTarget block:(void (^)(id target))block {

    BlockInvocation *blockInvocation = [BlockInvocation invocationWithBlock:block];
    NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithSelector:@selector(performWithTarget:) andObject:aTarget forTarget:blockInvocation];
    [invocation associateValue:blockInvocation withKey:@"BlockInvocation"];
    return invocation;

+ (NSInvocation *) invocationWithSelector:(SEL)aSelector forTarget:(id)aTarget {

    NSMethodSignature   *aSignature  = [aTarget methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector];
    NSInvocation        *aInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:aSignature];
    [aInvocation setTarget:aTarget];
    [aInvocation setSelector:aSelector];
    return aInvocation;

+ (NSInvocation *) invocationWithSelector:(SEL)aSelector andObject:(__autoreleasing id)anObject forTarget:(id)aTarget {

    NSInvocation *aInvocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithSelector:aSelector 
    [aInvocation setArgument:&anObject atIndex:2];
    return aInvocation;


Here is how to use it:

NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithTarget:self block:^(id target) {
[invocation invoke];

You can do a lot with the invocation and the standard Objective-C Methods. For example, you can use NSInvocationOperation (initWithInvocation:), NSTimer (scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:invocation:repeates:)

The point is turning your block into an NSInvocation is more versatile and can be used as such:

NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithTarget:self block:^(id target) {
                NSLog(@"My Block code here");
[button addTarget:invocation

Again this is just one suggestion.