How to check lambda emptiness in kotlin

Solution 1:

You couldn't test if the body of an lambda is empty (so it contains no source-code) but you can check if the lambda is your default value by creating a constant for that value and use this as default value. Than you can also check if the value is the default value:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    foo { }
    foo { println("Bar") }

private val EMPTY: (Throwable) -> Unit = {}
fun foo(onError: (Throwable) -> Unit = EMPTY) {
    if (onError === EMPTY) {
       // the default value is used
    } else {
       // a lambda was defined - no default value used

Solution 2:

Just don't use empty lambdas as defaults.

Since in kotlin nullability is a first class citizen and the clear indication of a missing value, I would pass null as the default argument.

onError: ((Throwable) -> Unit)? = null

The signature looks a bit ugly, but I think it's worth it.

For example it can be easily checked and handled and you don't expect that the lambda does something useful - especially for lambdas with a return value.

I gave the same comment here: