MVC vs. 3-tier architecture?

What is the basic difference between MVC and 3-tier architecture?

3-tier is a Architecture Style and MVC is a Design Pattern.

so is Different in that.

but we could using mvc pattern in 3-tier architecture style.


Presentation Tier: "Controllers and Views" from MVC Pattern.

Business Tier : "Model(Data)" from MVC Pattern.

Data Access Tier : Original Data Access Tier.

In larger applications MVC is the presentation tier only of an N-tier architecture. The models views and controllers are only concerned with the presentation, and make use of a middle tier to populate the models with data from the data tier.

MVC can also be used as the entire 3-tier architecture where Views are your presentation, Controllers are your business logic and Models are your data layer (usually generated by a DAL such as Entity Framework).

Ideally though you want your controllers to be skinny and dumb, passing off logic to a 'business component', which would essentially become your middle tier.

In the 3-tier architecture, communication between tiers is bi-directional. In the MVC the communication is in unidirectional; we could say that each "layer" is updated by the one at the left and, in turn, updates the one at the right –where "left" and "right" are merely illustrative.

3-Tier architecture usually deploy as 3 separate processes on 3 separate network nodes. But MVC is designed to deploy as a single process in a single network node. (like a desktop application)

Business tier in 3-tier usually contains different layers implementing famous patterns like business delegate, business façade, business object, service locator, data transfer object, etc. But MVC is a design pattern itself that is used in presentation tier.

The goal of 3-tier is separation of business logic from client and database, so provide multiple client protocols, high scalability, heterogeneous data access, etc. But the main goal of MVC is that implementation changes in one part do not require changes to another.