Is the old republic end-game focused?

tldr, My question is this: Is SWTOR a game that is heavily focused on players at the level cap, or is bulk of the game focused on characters that are still leveling?

And now a little of my boring backstory and bloody-minded opinion. (context)

I have noticed in recent MMORPGs(my experience includes WoW,Rift,Warhammer,Lotr) that there is a tendency to focus on one character. It seems like they are designed for people to focus on the end game, i.e. playing characters at the level cap, be it with pvp or raids or long quest chains, etc. I remember feeling like the game was finally beginning when I finished leveling.

I was in on some of the beta, but only got to lvl 11, but by now I'm sure somebody has made it to whatever the level cap is. While it may be a little early to tell what direction future development will take, it might be plain to see from the current content.

Does anybody have any insight on this?

it has both, but what sets this game apart from other MMOs is the storylines. So basically you could say the 'end game' is playing another char and enjoying its storyline. 8 classes, 8 storylines. So in that way, this game is much more focused in the journey than in the destination.

Because, let's face it, if what you enjoy is doing the same dungeon over and over and over for a chance to complete your 'pink armor set', WoW is a better choice for that :)

OK, pulled the following data together from (manually, hooray...) enter image description hereenter image description here

As you can see, there is a sizeable jump in both missions and items at level 50. (The number is triple the overall average in both cases.) It looks to me like the game has a lot of content for the end-game.