Remove all occurrences of char from string

I can use this:

String str = "TextX Xto modifyX";
str = str.replace('X','');//that does not work because there is no such character ''

Is there a way to remove all occurrences of character X from a String in Java?

I tried this and is not what I want: str.replace('X',' '); //replace with space

Solution 1:

Try using the overload that takes CharSequence arguments (eg, String) rather than char:

str = str.replace("X", "");

Solution 2:


public String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)

will work.

Usage would be str.replace("X", "");.


"Xlakjsdf Xxx".replaceAll("X", "");


lakjsdf xx

Solution 3:

If you want to do something with Java Strings, Commons Lang StringUtils is a great place to look.

StringUtils.remove("TextX Xto modifyX", 'X');

Solution 4:

String test = "09-09-2012";
String arr [] = test.split("-");
String ans = "";

for(String t : arr)

This is the example for where I have removed the character - from the String.

Solution 5:

Hello Try this code below

public class RemoveCharacter {

    public static void main(String[] args){
        String str = "MXy nameX iXs farXazX";
        char x = 'X';

    public static String removeChr(String str, char x){
        StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        char[] rmString = str.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0; i<rmString.length; i++){
            if(rmString[i] == x){

            } else {
        return strBuilder.toString();