Accessing IE only sites

Well you have several ways:


  • User-Agent Switcher

  • User Agent Overrider

  • User Agent Switcher

CHROME Addons -

  • User-Agent Switcher for Chrome

  • User-Agent Switcher for Google Chrome

  • User-Agent Switcher


  • CHROME - Chrome has an about page to CHECK if you have changed your User Agent about: and other options like about:labs, about:memory, about:hang, about:plugins and many others that depending on your version they could be available or not. But for the question at hand this option is not yet in any of the about pages i have found. To have it manually in chrome you need to start chrome with the option user-agent. For example google-chrome --user-agent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" which will open Chrome like it were IE6. The IE User Agents are from the Firefox option above.

The list for most (Maybe all) User Agents can be found in this page (There are other pages actually but this is the best i found)

You can also make sure the site works with IE or any other browser that you want to compare with by testing it on web pages like and that can test out the compatibility with the site with each browser and show a small screenshot of how they look.

You can try to install the user-agent-switcher extension for firefox.

Then, you can try to change the user-agent to Internet Explorer. The author states that it's not guaranteed to work at all sites as there are many different methods of detecting the browser type.

I've used it in a few sites myself where i was facing this kind of problem and it helped me.

As for the second part of the problem, the message:

Bad Gateway. The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.

could be a temporary problem on your ISP's site.

Install Opera.It allows logging into BSNL portal. Regards.

I am not aware of any way to actually emulate another browser, but you can install extensions for your browser that will pretend like as if it's the other browser (even though the browser's internals do not change).

  • Firefox: enter image description here
  • Chrome: enter image description here
  • Konqueror has one builtin: enter image description here

Most websites check the browser by what is known as a "User Agent String". This string (or text) provides many details about the browser, renderer (the thing that displays the website), OS, and the versions of them. For example, here are a few user agent strings:

  • Firefox 16, 32-bit build running under a 64-bit processor, on windows 8:

    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:16.0.1) Gecko/20121011 Firefox/16.0.1

  • Internet Explorer 10, on windows 7:

    Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)

Most websites either "parse" the strings (i.e. convert the strings into code) or just use pre-parsed versions of the strings given by the browser.

So if the User Agent String is edited (like the extensions I mentioned above do), the browser can trick the website to pretend like as if it's actually another browser, or running on another OS.

I had a similar requirement and I had used PlayOnLinux and IE. My problem was that site had JScript code that was not compatible on Chrome/Firefox/Opera. Once I installed PlayOnLinux and IE on top of it, I could run the site without any problems