Dynamic nginx domain root path based on hostname?

Solution 1:

Why not just use:

server_name *.frameworks.loc;
root /var/www/frameworks/$http_host/public;

Solution 2:

Nginx config is not a program, it's a declaration. When you are using config like this:

server {
        server_name ~^(.+)\.frameworks\.loc$;
        set $file_path $1;
        root    /var/www/frameworks/$file_path/public;

There's no way to ensure that your set directive will execute before root.

But there's a trick with map directive I like to use. It relies on fact that map is evaluated before location

http {
  map $http_host $rootpath {
    ~^(.?<mypath>+)\.frameworks\.loc$  $mypath;
    default                            /      ;
  root /var/www/frameworks/$rootpath

Solution 3:

In addition to great DukeLion's answer, I needed to change line

~^(.?<mypath>+)\.frameworks\.loc$ $mypath;


~^(?P<mypath>.+)\.frameworks\.loc$ $mypath;

in my /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file as suggested here.


root /var/www/frameworks/$rootpath

in /etc/nginx/sites-available/default worked fine after that.