"Root file system not defined. Please correct this from partitioning menu" Ubuntu 14.04 installation problem in pre-installed win 8 laptop

I am not exactly new to Linux, but I am facing problems trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on my Dell Inspiron 14z pre-installed Windows 8 with Secure Boot nand UEFI mode. **I have followed all the prescribed steps of your post regarding Ubuntu installation one of this forum's post Installing Ubuntu Alongside a Pre-Installed Windows with UEFI **. I am able to boot to LiveUSB mode via UEFI mode. But when going through the installation process, partitions don't appear at all on the 4th slide of the install process. So I just press "Install" just to see what happens. There is a pop-up window which says "No root file system defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu." I have created three partitions on Windows 8 of which one is entirely free(100 GB) and formatted and ready to be installed on. Please help me resolve this issue. Thanks and cheers

Solution 1:

The solution is:

  • create an ext4 partition (huge space)
  • select mounting point (/) and set as primary drive
  • create a swap partition
  • and set it as logical
  • create bios reserved partition

    ...and it's running... :)

Solution 2:

In windows go to system management --> disk management, select the drive you have windows 8 on , then right click shrink and make space for Ubuntu from the menu (more than 10gb).

See here http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/windows/repartition-hard-disk#1TC=windows-7

Shut-down then boot into the Ubuntu live.

when you get to installation type say "something else".

Then create a ext4 partition in the free space you made in windows and set it to "/" and "format"

you should also partition off some space (same as the amount of ram you have, or more if you want hibernation) and set this as "swap"

Then set the 100mb "UEFI" partition (if you have one) to boot but don't format it.

Click next and it should continue installation.