Traversals as multilenses: What would be an example?

I'm currently working on understanding the lens library in detail by following the explanation in, which starts with a Traversal and then introduces the Lens. The wiki makes the distinction that a Traversal can have multiple targets, while a Lens has a single target.

This arguments is also made in the documentation for Traversal, "[Traversals] have also been known as multilenses".

What would be example code to illustrate this distinction? E.g. how can I use a Traversal to get or set multiple values in a way I cannot do with a Lens?

Suppose you have a type

data Pair a = Pair a a

This offers two natural lenses and two additional natural traversals.

-- Work with the first or second component
_1, _2 :: Lens' (Pair a) a

-- Work with both components, either left to
-- right or right to left
forwards, backwards :: Traversal' (Pair a) a

There are fewer things you can do with a traversal than a lens, but you (often) get more traversals than lenses.