Vimdiff and git all at once

Solution 1:

You could use the vim plugins published here. Then you just need to set the difftool:

  tool = vd -f

As an alternative application I would suggest meld, which will show you modified files - you can then select just the files who's diffs you want to see.

See the screenshot here for an example.

Further to Marcos useful comment, as a third (manual alternative) if you want to use vimdiff I would recommend following meld's strategy in a script (possibly python):

  • use git diff-files --name-status and git diff-index --name-status --cached HEAD to identify files that need to be examined.
  • Get cached versions of these files and place in /tmp/
  • Open all of these files - the changed files and their cached versions - at once in vimdiff - though most likely not possible in the sense that you require- see below.

However, as vimdiff itself doesn't seem to handle multiple diff tabs natively I recommend one of my other suggestions above.

Solution 2:

A quite simple workaround is to add this option in your ~/.gitconfig file

    tool = vimdiff $LOCAL $REMOTE
    prompt = true

That way before each file comparison, you are prompted and have the possibility to skip a file by answering 'no' or abort the file comparison with Ctrl+C


$ git difftool
Viewing: 'file1.js'
Launch 'vimdiff' [Y/n]: y
2 files to edit

Viewing: 'file2.js'
Launch 'vimdiff' [Y/n]: n

Solution 3:

This is what I use. It requires that you use vim-fugitive

[alias] dt = "!f() { vim -p $(git diff --name-only) +\"tabdo Gdiff $@\" +tabfirst; }; f"

git dt will then open each diff pair in a separate tab. Then :tabclose to close a single pair, or :qa to exit.


Solution 4:

There's a much simpler solution that's not posted yet.

Add the following to your ~/.gitconfig -

    trustExitCode = true

Now you can run :cq at any time during the process to stop diffing more files.

Solution 5:

I came up with the following script to achieve the behaviour git difftoll + vimdiff provides, but using tabs:



files=`git diff ${commit1} ${commit2} --name-only`

cmd="set nosplitright | set nobackup | set noswapfile"

EXE="| silent exe"

for f in $files; do
    if [ -z "$commit2" ]; then
        cmd+="$EXE ':tabnew $f'"
        cmd+="$EXE ':tabnew | f <${commit2}>/${f} | setlocal buftype=nofile | 0read ! git show ${commit2}:$f'"
    cmd+="$EXE ':0 | filetype detect'"
    cmd+="$EXE ':vnew | f <${commit1}>/${f} | setlocal buftype=nofile | 0read ! git show ${commit1}:$f'"
    cmd+="$EXE ':0 | filetype detect'"
    cmd+="$EXE ':windo diffth'"
cmd+="$EXE 'bd 1 | tabfirst'"

vim -c "$cmd"

Call it like this: vimgd <commit1> <commit2>