How can I launch Finder in a specific directory, from Automator or AppleScript?

I'm trying to assign a global keyboard shortcut that will launch a new window of Finder, in a specific directory. I can write a script that'll open a new Finder, but not sure how to make it open in a specific directory.

Any ideas how to do this with either Automator or AppleScript?

In case it's relevant, I have OS X Mountain Lion.

As shell script:

open /Users/danielbeck/Documents

As AppleScript:

tell application "Finder"
    # Classic Mac OS syntax
    open alias "Macintosh HD:Users:danielbeck:Pictures"

    # Unix syntax
    open POSIX file "/Users/danielbeck/Downloads"
end tell

Wrap in an Automator service and assign a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences » Keyboard » Keyboard Shortcuts » Services.

Automator screenshot

For a pure Automator solution without script code, combine the Get Specified Finder Items and Open Finder Items actions. Drag & drop the desired folder to the list. Again, save and assign a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences.

Automator screenshot