How to set header and options in axios?

I use Axios to perform an HTTP post like this:

import axios from 'axios'
params = {'HTTP_CONTENT_LANGUAGE': self.language}
headers = {'header1': value}, params, headers)

Is this correct? Or should I do:, params: params, headers: headers)

There are several ways to do this:

  • For a single request:

    let config = {
      headers: {
        header1: value,
    let data = {
      'HTTP_CONTENT_LANGUAGE': self.language
    }, data, config).then(...)
  • For setting default global config:['header1'] = 'value' // for POST requests
    axios.defaults.headers.common['header1'] = 'value' // for all requests
  • For setting as default on axios instance:

    let instance = axios.create({
      headers: {
        post: {        // can be common or any other method
          header1: 'value1'
    //- or after instance has been created['header1'] = 'value'
    //- or before a request is made
    // using Interceptors
    instance.interceptors.request.use(config => {['header1'] = 'value';
      return config;

You can send a get request with Headers (for authentication with jwt for example):

axios.get('', {
 headers: {
   Authorization: 'Bearer ' + token //the token is a variable which holds the token

Also you can send a post request.'', {
 email: varEmail, //varEmail is a variable which holds the email
 password: varPassword
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + varToken

My way of doing it,is to set a request like this:

  method: 'post', //you can set what request you want to be
  url: '',
  data: {id: varID},
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + varToken