What is the difference between @ApplicationScoped and @Singleton scopes in CDI?

Solution 1:

@Singleton is not part of the CDI specification. It is part of EJB and javax.inject (JSR-330). It is not mentioned in the spec what is its behaviour, so you can only rely on what's written in the Weld documentation.

Solution 2:

in short: You can even mix it (@Singleton and @ApplicationScoped) and it makes sense in some scenarios. (and works as expected in mine!)

Additionally to the other answers so far I'd like to add some more points for clarification in real world scenarios.

For me this question developed out of How do I force an application-scoped bean to instantiate at application startup? In some discussion there I stated this and can't find a valid argument against it so far:

In a lot of real-life scenarios/setups I would say it's hard to definitely say - from an abstract/modelling point of view - whether something is (or will become/be treated like) an EJB or an application-scoped managed bean.

(debatable but not conclusive) arguments (from my point of view) against it so far: (@BalusC and all others: I'd like to see them beeing conclusive, but if not, the above may hold true and nevertheless the arguments may still help the reader to get the differences/advantages/disadvantages/ bad/good practices)

EJB vs. Managed Bean

BalusC: That's an EJB not a managed bean, which is quite different. EJBs run in backend and managed beans in frontend. EJBs run in transactional context too. [...] You just confused enterprise beans with managed beans and I just pointed out that.


me: I think you are not quite correct and overstating the meaning/usage and it looks debatable to me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_JavaBeans

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a managed, server software for modular construction of enterprise software, and one of several Java APIs. EJB is a server-side software component that encapsulates the business logic of an application.

Types of Enterprise Beans

Session Beans [3] that can be either "Stateful", "Stateless" or "Singleton" [...]

Message Driven Beans [...]

... which still holds true in my case.

Singleton EJB vs. Application Scoped Bean


BalusC: A singleton EJB isn't the same as an application scoped bean. A singleton EJB is read/write locked and thus potentially inefficient/overconvoluted for the task you had in mind. Long story short: Grab a good Java EE book and learn to use the right tool for the job. One way definitely isn't the other way. That it works doesn't mean that it's the right tool. A sledgehammer is capable of fastening a screw, but it isn't necessarily the right tool to that :)


(I can't see the sledgehammer here - sorry ...) It's good to know the locking defaults (I was not aware of it), but this seems to be incorrect again: Oracle Java EE 6 Tutorial on Managing Concurrent Access in a Singleton Session Bean

When creating a singleton session bean, concurrent access to the singleton’s business methods can be controlled in two ways: container-managed concurrency and bean-managed concurrency. [...]

Although by default, singletons use container-managed concurrency, the @ConcurrencyManagement(CONTAINER) annotation may be added at the class level of the singleton to explicitly set the concurrency management type