Unit testing handling of degraded network stack, file corruption, and other imperfections

Solution 1:

You start by talking about unit tests, then talk about entire applications; it seems you are a little confused about what unit testing is. Unit testing by definition is about testing at the most fine grained level, when each "unit" of the software is being tested. In common use, a "unit" is an individual function, not an entire application. Contemporary programming style has short functions, each of which does one well defined thing, which is therefore easy to unit test.

Solution 2:

what sort of tests would you write to constantly check those sites live?

UnitTests target small sections of code you write. UnitTests do not confirm that things are ok in the world. You should instead define application behavior for those imperfect scenarios. Then you can UnitTest your application in those imperfect scenarios.

for instance a crawler

A crawler is a large body of code you might write. It has some different parts, one part might fetch a webpage. Another part might analyze html. Even these parts may be too large to write a unit test against.

How do you test an application will do its job in the face of a degraded network stack? The developer tests it personally by purposely setting up a gateway that drops packets to simulate a bad network when he first writes it.

If a test uses the network, it's not a UnitTest.

A UnitTest (which must target your code) cannot call the network. You didn't write the network. The UnitTest should involve a mock network with simulated (but consistent each time) packet loss.

Unit tests seem to test the code only in perfect conditions

UnitTests test your code in defined conditions. If you're only capable of defining perfect conditions, your statement is true. If you're capable of defining imperfect conditions, your statement is false.

Solution 3:

Work through any decent book on unit testing - you'll find that it's normal practise to write tests that do indeed cover edge cases where the input is not ideal or is plain wrong.

The most common approach in languages with exception handling is a "should throw" specification, where a certain test is expected to cause a specific exception type to be thrown. If it doesn't throw an exception, the test fails.


In your update you describe complex timing-sensitive interactions. Unit testing simply doesn't help at all there. No need to introduce networking: just think of trying to write a simple thread safe queue class, perhaps on a platform with some new concurrency primitives. Test it on an 8 core system... does it work? You simply can't know that for sure by testing it. There are just too many different ways that the timing can cause operations to overlap between the cores. Depending on luck, it could take weeks of continuous execution before some really unlikely coincidence occurs. The only way to get such things right is through careful analysis (static checking tools can help). It's likely that most concurrent software has some rarely occuring bugs in it, including all operating systems.

Returning to the cases that can actually be tested, I've found integration tests to be often just as useful as unit tests. This can be as elaborate as automating the installation of your product, adding configurations to it (such as your users might create) and then "poking" it from the outside, e.g. automating your UI. This finds a whole other class of issue separate from unit testing.