Juddi publish and find service

I have successfully set up an Apache Juddi v3 installation (tomcat version) on my computer. What I want now is to publish a service whose WSDL is found at


To achieve this, I created a standalone Java application (starting from the Juddi documentation) that publishes the service found at the above location.

The publish part looks ok, but then I want to query the juddi database for the service but a field that should contain the found services is always null (getServiceInfos()). I really don't know what is wrong and I didn't find any good documentation or tutorial about this on the internet.

Here you can find the sources of the program. Just unarchive it and go to the ./publish folder. The application is found there.

With out much Apache knowledge, It sounds as if getServiceInfos() function is trying to retrieve information from the wrong sub folder when you do a query. Try changing the location of the search Function so that it will search all folders/locations or a specific folder/location where the database is located.

I could be wrong ( I have limited skills with Apache ).

Good luck, sorry if this confused you or did not help.