Detect if the iframe content has loaded successfully

I have a widget that contains an iframe. The user can configure the url of this iframe, but if the url could not be loaded (it does not exists or the user does not have access to internet) then the iframe should failover to a default offline page.

The question is, how can I detect if the iframe could be loaded or not? I tried subscribing to the 'load' event, and, if this event is not fired after some time then I failover, but this only works in Firefox, since IE and Chrome fires the 'load' event when the "Page Not Found" is displayed.

Solution 1:

I found the following link via Google:

Don't know if it solves the 'Page Not Found' issue.

<script type="javascript">
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = "";
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1 && !window.opera) {
  iframe.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if (iframe.readyState == "complete"){
      alert("Iframe is now loaded.");
} else {
  iframe.onload = function(){
    alert("Iframe is now loaded.");

I haven't tried it myself, so I don't know if it works. Good luck!

Solution 2:

Nowadays the browsers have a series of security limitations that keep you away from the content of an iframe (if it isn´t of your domain).

If you really need that functionality, you have to build a server page that have to work as a proxy, that receive the url as a parameter, test if it is a valid url, and does the redirect or display the error page.

Solution 3:

If you control the content of the iframe, the iframe can send a message to the parent.

        parent.postMessage('iframeIsDone', '*');

The parent callback listens for the message.

        var attachFuncEvent = "message";
        var attachFunc = window.addEventListener ;
        if (! window.addEventListener) {
            attachFunc = window.attachEvent;
            attachFuncEvent = "onmessage";

        attachFunc(attachFuncEvent, function(event) {
            if ( ==  'iframeIsDone') { // iframe is done callback here

Solution 4:

How about checking if the url is available and only then setting the actual url of the iframe? e.g. with JQuery

var url = ""
var loading_url = "/empty.html"
document.getElementById("iframe").src = loading_url;
    url: url,
    type: 'GET',
    complete: function(e, xhr, settings){
         if(e.status === 200){
              document.getElementById("iframe").src = url;

Edit: This does not seem to work cross domain, the status code is 0 in those cases.