Test whether a Ruby class is a subclass of another class

I would like to test whether a class inherits from another class, but there doesn't seem to exist a method for that.

class A

class B < A

B.is_a? A 
=> false

B.superclass == A
=> true

A trivial implementation of what I want would be:

class Class
  def is_subclass_of?(clazz)
    return true if superclass == clazz
    return false if self == Object

but I would expect this to exist already.

Solution 1:

Just use the < operator

B < A # => true
A < A # => false

or use the <= operator

B <= A # => true
A <= A # => true

Solution 2:

Also available:

B.ancestors.include? A

This differs slightly from the (shorter) answer of B < A because B is included in B.ancestors:

#=> [B, A, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]

B < B
#=> false

B.ancestors.include? B
#=> true

Whether or not this is desirable depends on your use case.