Should there be a comma in "Tell <name> <other name> says hi."?

I just wrote to someone,

Tell Alivia Wyatt says hi.

Am I missing a comma? It seems like there almost has to be one between the names. I find it a strange sentence to punctuate.

Solution 1:

A comma would not make sense there, but using "that" in between Alivia and Wyatt would provide the separation that you are perceiving is needed.

Solution 2:

This is a simple imperative statement, with the implied subject "you", the verb "tell", indirect object "Alivia", and direct object "Wyatt says hi".

In this case, one would not use a comma between the two names. Consider an equivalently structured sentence.

Throw me the ball.


Tell -> Throw
Alivia -> me
Wyatt says hi -> the ball

We would not write

Throw me, the ball.

as this would seem to say that I am the ball, and you should throw me.

Putting a comma between the two names would change the meaning, and would seem to say "Tell Alivia (something, probably specified in the previous sentence), because/and Wyatt says hi."

This is a more complicated issue than most simple commands, because the object is both an entire sentence on its own, and a direct quote.

Solution 3:

If you're worried, you could put quotes round Wyatt says hi. Compare:

He said "Wyatt says hi"
He said that Wyatt says hi

Come to that, you could also put quotes round hi, as it's reported speech.