Exporting a list of ODBC Datasource drivers?

Is it possible to export a CSV file of the list of database driver names from the Create New Data Source of the ODBC Data Source Administrator?

ODBC Data Source AdministratorCreate New Data Source

Does this article correctly describes how frustrated you feel? Obviously there is no easy way of getting this info... unless you consider upgrade to win 8 an easy way :-(

I used information in this article to make a powershell equivalent for you (you're on win 7 so ps v2 is installed by default):

get-itemproperty -path hklm:\software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\"Odbc drivers" |
get-member | 
where {$_.definition -match "installed"} |
select-object name | export-csv -noTypeInformation

Fire up powershell and paste above (you may need to press Enter key once or twice afer you paste). It will then ask you to give path - this is a path and file your data will be exported to (eg. c:\temp\myDrivers.csv) - press Enter - and if everything went well a file with driver list will be produced for you.

Edit: this will give additionally version and dll used.

get-itemproperty -path hklm:\software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\"Odbc drivers" |
get-member |
where {$_.definition -match "installed"} |
foreach-object { get-itemproperty -path $("hklm:\software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\"+ $_.name)} |
select-object PSChildName,Driver|Add-member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name FVersion -Value {(((get-item $this.Driver).versionInfo)).FileVersion} -PassThru |export-CSV -noTypeInformation