Is 60 to 100 hard faults per second normal?

When I monitor my computer's memory usage in Resource Manager, I see that I constantly get between 60 and 100 hard faults.

Is this normal?

Or is that hard fault graph ideally supposed to be flat at 0?

I run Windows 7 and I have 4GB RAM.

Solution 1:

I suppose that it can be normal considering the amount of RAM you have.

The more RAM you have, the fewer hard faults you should see.

Solution 2:

Memory Hard Faults have nothing to do with the 'brand' or 'quality' of the memory. It means that the software has requested an address and the page where it resides isn't still in main memory. Usually it has been swapped to virtual memory, (hard drive or SSD) and the OS will swap it back from virtual memory to physical memory. If you are getting massive amounts of hard faults/sec, it is usually due to too little RAM