Saving a picture to a file in Skitch with one click?

Solution 1:


There is no other single-click option besides saving (edited) pictures to the history.

enter image description here

You can however create an Alias of the Skitch folder ~/Pictures/Skitch where the history is saved and drag it to a custom location.

enter image description hereenter image description here

Solution 2:

If you press ⌘ Command+E, it brings up an Export window where you can select the destination to export:

(I would suggest pressing ⌘ Command+⇧ Shift+O to switch to the Documents folder, but it seems this doesn't work in Skitch's Export window!)

Solution 3:

As others have pointed out you can't save with one click. My solution is to create a folder specific to the project I'm working on which I place in the dock. Then I just drag the skitch tab to that folder. This way I can quickly create a few image variations and have them in one place ready for whatever's next. This method is handy too because you can very quickly set the image file type, drop it off and get back to manipulation.