Bundle size in bytes

Is there any way to know the bundle size in bytes? My point in asking this is I am saving parcelable object lists in my bundle on onSaveInstanceState.

I need to check if the bundle size is reached it's size limit and prevent any more data to get saved, and to prevent TransactionTooLarge exception to occur.

I think easiest way for me is:

fun getBundleSizeInBytes(bundle : Bundle) : Int {
  val parcel = Parcel.obtain()

  val bytes = parcel.marshall()

  return bytes.size

Parcel class has dataSize() member, so the same result can be achieved without calling marshall():

int getBundleSizeInBytes(Bundle bundle) {
    Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain();
    int size;

    size = parcel.dataSize();

    return size;