How can I list all virtual networks for a given network interface in linux?

How do I list all virtual networks created for a given network interface card?

E.g. I have added a virtual network like this,

ifconfig eth0:0 inet6 add ::123/64

It's responding fine. And I know I can use that network, because I added it. But if I wasn't the one who added it, how would I find out that it existed?

Take a look at the ip command, specifically:

ip addr show dev eth0

This should give you all ip addresses that are assigned to eth0. Or leave off the dev eth0 arguments to get the same for all interfaces on the system.

I'm not a Linux expert but I thought that was deprecated and replaced with iproute2 commands? See iproute2 documentation.

But I think you can still get what you have setup with either ifconfig -a or netstat -ian.

You should wait till the real Linux admins chime in though or you can try what I posted.