jquery function val() is not equivalent to "$(this).value="?

Solution 1:

You want:

this.value = ''; // straight JS, no jQuery


$(this).val(''); // jQuery

With $(this).value = '' you're assigning an empty string as the value property of the jQuery object that wraps this -- not the value of this itself.

Solution 2:

$(this).value is attempting to call the 'value' property of a jQuery object, which does not exist. Native JavaScript does have a 'value' property on certain HTML objects, but if you are operating on a jQuery object you must access the value by calling $(this).val().

Solution 3:

Note that :

typeof $(this) is JQuery object.


typeof $(this)[0] is HTMLElement object

then : if you want to apply .val() on HTMLElement , you can add this extension .

   if(typeof v!=='undefined'){this.value=v;return this;}
   else{return this.value}

Then :

document.getElementById('myDiv').val() ==== $('#myDiv').val()


 document.getElementById('myDiv').val('newVal') ==== $('#myDiv').val('newVal')

العكس INVERSE :

Converselyو if you want to add value property to jQuery object , follow those steps :

  1. Download the full source code (not minified) i.e: example http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.js .

  2. Insert Line after L96 , add this code value:"" to init this new prop enter image description here

  3. Search on jQuery.fn.init , it will be almost Line 2747

enter image description here

  1. Now , assign a value to value prop : (Before return statment add this.value=jQuery(selector).val()) enter image description here

Enjoy now : $('#myDiv').value

Solution 4:

One thing you can do is this:

$(this)[0].value = "Something";

This allows jQuery to return the javascript object for that element, and you can bypass jQuery Functions.