patchValue with { emitEvent: false } triggers valueChanges on Angular 4 formgroup

I have a formbuilder group and am listening for changes with valueChanges and triggering a save function followed by refresh function on the form:

 .subscribe(data => {

I am then reloading the form and repatching the data to form fields (and elsewhere on the page, particularly a change log) with patchValue, e.g.:

    this.ticketForm.patchValue(ticket, { emitEvent: false });

however, this causes an infinite loop of saves of the form despite emitEvent : false.

Is this an Angular 4/Ionic 3 bug or a misunderstanding on my part?

Try adding onlySelf: true along with the emitEvent: false in this way:

this.ticketForm.patchValue(ticket, {emitEvent: false, onlySelf: true});

Can't comment because of rep, so I will post it as an answer to @Craig Wayne.

emitEvent:false works only if you are listening to value changes on the form control with:

this.form.valueChanges.controlName.subscribe(val => doSomething(val));

if you are binding to model changes on the element event is emitted regardless:

<input (ngModelChange)="doSomething($event)"/>