Windows 7 Recurring Blue Screens: MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x1A

I've solved the problem with the help of some experts in another forum. I wanted to leave this answer here in case it helps any of you with your random crashes.

This litany of crashes was, in fact, caused by incorrect memory timings in the PC's BIOS. The big tip off happened after we scanned memory for the Nth time, it came back with no issues, and then we investigated the Windows Event Logs. We found that even standard system services and user applications were crashing (the SuperFetch service, for instance) at random intervals.

The solution was resetting the BIOS to factory settings (had to adjust a jumper on the motherboard to clear settings). Once the BIOS reset was complete, the system rechecked the memory timings automatically and loaded up the appropriate defaults.

I can only assume the timings were off because the system used to have 2 sticks of RAM from another mfg, and then I adjusted the BIOS to overclock the CPU and memory. I removed the original 2 sticks and installed 4 brand-new ones without checking the memory timings or BIOS settings.

If you're interested in following along with the steps that we took to get to the bottom of this issue, you can read all about it here:

Thanks to all for the suggestions!

You might want to try this freeware:

BlueScreenView scans all your minidump files created during 'blue screen of death' crashes, and displays the information about all crashes in one table. For each crash, BlueScreenView displays the minidump filename, the date/time of the crash, the basic crash information displayed in the blue screen (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and the details of the driver or module that possibly caused the crash (filename, product name, file description, and file version).

For each crash displayed in the upper pane, you can view the details of the device drivers loaded during the crash in the lower pane. BlueScreenView also mark the drivers that their addresses found in the crash stack, so you can easily locate the suspected drivers that possibly caused the crash.