How to use @link and @code in kotlin kDoc

I'm trying to document a method and trying to use @link and @code as in JavaDoc.

I know in kotlin there is a kDoc but I can't find them or at least something similar.

@link and @code doesn't exist in kDoc but can easily be replaced by Inline Markup.

from KotlinDoc Linking to Elements

Inline Markup

For inline markup, KDoc uses the regular Markdown syntax, extended to support a shorthand syntax for linking to other elements in the code.

Linking to Elements

To link to another element (class, method, property or parameter), simply put its name in square brackets:

Use the method [foo] for this purpose.

If you want to specify a custom label for the link, use the Markdown reference-style syntax:

Use [this method][foo] for this purpose. You can also use qualified names in the links. Note that, unlike JavaDoc, qualified names always use the dot character to separate the components, even before a method name:

Use [] to enumerate the properties of the class. Names in links are resolved using the same rules as if the name was used inside the element being documented. In particular, this means that if you have imported a name into the current file, you don't need to fully qualify it when you use it in a KDoc comment.

Note that KDoc does not have any syntax for resolving overloaded members in links. Since the Kotlin documentation generation tool puts the documentation for all overloads of a function on the same page, identifying a specific overloaded function is not required for the link to work.

For {@link SomeClass} in Java maps to [SomeClass] in Kotlin

For {@code true} in Java maps to `true` in Kotlin

You can write your code with java and convert class into Kotlin.

 * @see <a href="">link</a>
public class Some {

will be converted to

 * @see [link](
class Some

The answer that Artur gave is a good hint in general, but the result is wrong. At least IntelliJ IDEA does not grok the result. The markdown link format using []() is fine in the main comment text, but not for external links in the @see tag. For those, you need the same syntax as in Java:

 * Do something.
 * @see <a href="">External links in kdoc</a>

To reference a method use the class:

 * When the configuration succeeds **[MyCallback.onConfigured]** is called.
class MyClass(myCallback: MyCallback) {

Using a variable/parameter does not work:

 * When the configuration succeeds **[myCallback.onConfigured]** is called.
class MyClass(myCallback: MyCallback) {