Is there a way to toggle bluetooth and/or wifi on and off programmatically in iOS?

Thanks to Matt Farrugia (@mattfarrugia on Twitter) the answer I was looking for was:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // Override point for customization after application launch.

    exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ;
    /* this works in iOS 4.2.3 */
    Class BluetoothManager = objc_getClass( "BluetoothManager" ) ;
    id btCont = [BluetoothManager sharedInstance] ;
    [self performSelector:@selector(toggle:) withObject:btCont afterDelay:0.1f] ;
    return YES ;

- (void)toggle:(id)btCont
    BOOL currentState = [btCont enabled] ;
    [btCont setEnabled:!currentState] ;
    [btCont setPowered:!currentState] ;
    exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ;

You need to link against the Gamekit framework as well, but simply add in this code to a new Xcode project and run on the device. Doing so creates a 1-tap App that toggles Bluetooth on and off.