Check if the array contain multiple same values in php [closed]

I have a array like below

$array1 = Array
    [0] => 20225,2017-02-20
    [1] => 20225,2017-02-20
    [2] => 10027,2017-02-20
    [3] => 10027,2017-02-20
    [4] => 10021,2017-02-20
    [5] => 20205,2017-02-20
    [6] => 50003,2017-02-20
    [7] => 20225,2017-02-20
    [8] => 20205,2017-02-20
    [9] => 10021,2017-02-20
    [10] => 50003,2017-02-20
    [11] => 10027,2017-02-20
    [12] => 20225,2017-02-20
    [13] => 20225,2017-02-21
    [14] => 20225,2017-02-21

if the array contain same result more than 2, I want to get one of those values to another array called $array2.

Please help me to do this

As You said:- if the array contain same result more than 2, I want to get one of those values to another array called $array2.

You can do it like below:-

$array_new = array_count_values($array1);
$array2 = array();
foreach($array_new as $key=>$val){
    if($val >1){ //or do $val >2 based on your desire
      $array2[] = $key;

Output:- OR

If you want to check that array contains duplicates or not then you can do like this:-

if(count(array_unique($array1)) < count($array1)){
  echo "Array have some duplicates";
  echo "Array have unique elements";


If you want to get only unique array then you can do like below:-

$array1 = array_values (array_unique($array1));


You can use this simple function to check if your array has duplicates:

function array_has_dupes($array) {
   return count($array) !== count(array_unique($array));

Here is the usage:


$array = Array
    '0' => '20225,2017-02-20',
    '1' => '20225,2017-02-20',
    '2' => '10027,2017-02-20',
    '3' => '10027,2017-02-20',
    '4' => '10021,2017-02-20',
    '5' => '20205,2017-02-20',
    '6' => '50003,2017-02-20',
    '7' => '20225,2017-02-20',
    '8' => '20205,2017-02-20',
    '9' => '10021,2017-02-20',
    '10' => '50003,2017-02-20',
    '11' => '10027,2017-02-20',
    '12' => '20225,2017-02-20',
    '13' => '20225,2017-02-21',
    '14' => '20225,2017-02-21'

$arr_unique = array_unique($array);
$check = count($array) !== count($arr_unique);
$message = 'No duplicates found.';
$arr_duplicates = [];
if($check == 1) {
    $message = "Duplicates found.";
    $arr_duplicates = array_diff_assoc($array, $arr_unique);

echo $message;

Btw, array_unique() is what you are looking for.

 $array1 = [

$array2 = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $array1)));

echo '<pre>';

it's result will be like

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 20225
            [1] => 2017-02-20

    [2] => Array
            [0] => 10027
            [1] => 2017-02-20

    [4] => Array
            [0] => 10021
            [1] => 2017-02-20

    [5] => Array
            [0] => 20205
            [1] => 2017-02-20

    [6] => Array
            [0] => 50003
            [1] => 2017-02-20

    [13] => Array
            [0] => 20225
            [1] => 2017-02-21
