Disable closing Google's Chrome browser after closing last tab

I get this a lot as well, but I fear that it's working "as intended".

From Google Chrome Help:

Closing the last tab in a window also automatically closes the window.

The comment in the question made me try something:

if you have multiple windows of Chrome open and you accidently kill one of them with your Ctrl+W-ing, you can restore the window by hitting Ctrl+Shift+T.

I haven't been able to test if this also works if you close all windows and have to launch Chrome again

There is a Chrome extension that can help with this problem.

A simple solution that I stumbled on was to "pin" one of my tabs (usually Gmail, but why not SuperUser?) which leaves it permanently as the leftmost tab, and without a close tab button. It's essentially the manual version of @wasia 's suggestion.