How to quit or close single simulator from opened multiple simulator in Xcode 9?

Select Simulator.. Go into File Menu -> Close window or press [Command + W ]. It will close the simulator which is on top .

enter image description here

Go into Windows menu -> uncheck Show Device Bezels. Then you can close using red cross icon on simulator.

enter image description here

enter image description here

There are two ways to close particular Simulator form Multiple simulators

  1. Long-press power button on the right-top of simulator , then slide to turn off power, a single simulator will be close.

  2. Go into File Menu -> Close window or press [Command + W ]. It will close the simulator which is on top

1) Simple way to close single simulator

-> Select required Simulator

-> Click Command + W (⌘W).

2) If you want to minimise simulator

-> Select required simulator

-> Click Command + M (⌘M).

3) For screen shot of simulator

--> Select required simulator

-->Select Commend + S (⌘S).

4) If you want to rotate simulator(for landscape mode)

-> Select required simulator

-> Click Command + left arrow or right arrow.

See below screen for left arrow or right arrow

enter image description here