I am noticing it from my last few build, crashlytics is not sending the proper crash reports... In crash reports i can not debug on which class the crash occured..

Although I have tried uploading DSYM manually also and using fabric also, I do have followed all the instructions on their website..

I have also tried by uploading DSYM by downloading from itunesconnect but not nothing gives proper crash log

Sample Crash report

Fatal Exception: NSRangeException

0  CoreFoundation                 0x18cbcefe0 __exceptionPreprocess

1  libobjc.A.dylib                0x18b630538 objc_exception_throw

2  CoreFoundation                 0x18caad200 -[__NSArrayM removeObjectAtIndex:]

3  MyApp                           0x1001a3550 _hidden#4208_ (__hidden#4311_:498)

4  MyApp                           0x10012c008 _hidden#1377_ (__hidden#1463_:318)

5  MyApp                           0x10012f888 _hidden#1403_ (__hidden#1463_:753)

6  MyApp                           0x100132448 _hidden#1497_ (__hidden#1511_:352)

7  MyApp                           0x1001dc1b8 _hidden#5257_ (__hidden#5321_:209)

8  Foundation                     0x18d6c24cc __NSThreadPerformPerform

9  CoreFoundation                 0x18cb7d42c __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__

10 CoreFoundation                 0x18cb7cd9c __CFRunLoopDoSources0

11 CoreFoundation                 0x18cb7a9a8 __CFRunLoopRun

12 CoreFoundation                 0x18caaada4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific

13 GraphicsServices               0x18e514074 GSEventRunModal

14 UIKit                          0x192d65058 UIApplicationMain

15 MyApp                           0x10018b9cc main (__hidden#3728_:14)

16 libdyld.dylib                  0x18bab959c start

Why it is _hidden#4208??

Try this

  1. Goto to Build Settings
  2. then goto Build Options
  3. In build options goto Debug Information Format
  4. and Change Debug's DWARF to DWARF with DSYM File.

Now again follow Fabric crashlytics steps and you will definitely get the proper crash report.

Refer below screenshot

enter image description here

Please go through this Matt's answer on Xcode Bitcode, Include Symbols settings effect on dSYM generation

I've not tried it, but I think by following the guidelines mentioned in Matt's answer you can resolve your query.

My issue was, I was creating the build using command line tools and no bitcode flag was used that time for it. so it was giving improper crash reports to me.

Now I include bitcode symbols in my IPA and then after uploading it to appstoreconnect.apple.com if I download the dsym's for my IPA and upload it to crashlytisc's missing dsym section I do get all proper crash reports.

Note : I Downloaded the DSYM from the build uploaded to appstoreconnect, as that DSYM includes symbols and only that solved my issue.enter image description here