I am very confused with null sets. I get that a set which has no elements will be called a null set but I am not getting the examples given below.

Please help me by explaining how $P,Q,R$ are all the null set? Thank-you

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Perhaps what you find confusing is the use of set-builder notation to define $P, Q, R$: Included in between { ... } are the condition(s) that any "candidate" element must satisfy in order to be included in the set, and a set defined by set-builder notation contains all, and only, those elements satisfying all the conditions given.

In each of $P,\; Q, \;R$, set-builder notation is used to provide the conditions for inclusion in each set, respectively. Note: unless otherwise stipulated, you can take conditions separated by a comma to be a conjunction of conditions; that is: $$X = \{x : \text{(condition 1), (condition 2), ...., (condition n)}\}$$ means $X$ is the set of all x such that x satisfies (condition 1) AND x satisfies (condition 2) AND ... AND x satisfies (condition n).

$$P = \{x: x^2 = 4, x \text{ is odd}\}$$

The only solution to $x^2 = 4$ are $x = -2$ or $x = 2$, neither of which is odd. Hence there are $no$ elements in $P$; that is, $\;P = \varnothing$.

$$Q= \{x: x^2 = 9, x \text{ is even}\}$$

The only solutions to $x^2 = 9$ are $x = -3$ or $x = 3$, neither of which is even. Hence, there are no elements in $Q$; that is, $\;Q = \varnothing$.

$$R = \{x: x^2 = 9, 2x =4\}$$

$x = 2$ is the only solution to $2x = 4$, but $x = 2$ is not a solution to $x^2 = 9$, (and neither $x = 3$ nor $x = -3$ is a solution to $2x = 4$). Hence, there are no elements in $R$; that is, $\;R = \varnothing$.

NOTE: As an aside, regarding notation - sometimes instead of a colon :preceding the defining characteristics of a given element, you'll see | in place of the colon. E.g., $$P = \{x: x^2 = 4, x \text{ is odd}\}\iff \{x\mid x^2 = 4, x \text{ is odd}\}$$

A Null Set is a set with no elements. While the author of your book uses the notation $\emptyset$, I prefer to use $\{\},$ to emphasize, that the set contains nothing. The example sets $P,\ Q$ and $R$ are all null sets, because there is no $x$, that can satisfy the condition of being included in the set.