How to return 403 Forbidden response as IActionResult in ASP.NET Core

I would like to return a 403 Forbidden to the client when trying to perform an invalid operation. What is the method I need to use?

I searched over the internet but I found only these for MVC 5:

If the return type for your web api method is HttpResponseMessage then you need to use the below code:

return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "RFID is disabled for this site.");
Or  if the return type for your web api method is IHttpActionResult then you need to use the below code

return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden,"RFID is disabled for this site.");

How to return 403 for IActionResult type:

public IActionResult Put(string userid, [FromBody]Setting setting)
    var result = _SettingsRepository.Update(userid, setting);
    if (result == true)
       return Ok(201);
       return BadRequest();

Solution 1:

When you want to respond with a HTTP 403 status and allow ASP.NET Core's authentication logic to handle the response with its forbidden handling logic (can be configured in your Startup class, and may cause a redirect to another page), use:

return Forbid();

(same applies to Unauthorized())

When you want to respond with a HTTP 403 status code from an API and do not want the ASP.NET Core authentication logic to perform any redirect or other action, use:

return StatusCode(403);

// or with developer-friendly type
return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden);

// or as an api-friendly error response
return Problem(
    type: "/docs/errors/forbidden",
    title: "Authenticated user is not authorized.",
    detail: $"User '{user}' must have the Admin role.",
    statusCode: StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden,
    instance: HttpContext.Request.Path

The latter example produces a client error response.

Solution 2:

Alternative to MstfAsan's answer is to use:

return Forbid();

It is a method on the controller base class that does the same thing.


return StatusCode(403);

If you want to return a message, then you must use StatusCode.

Solution 3:

You can use return new ForbidResult(); Class declaration is

public class ForbidResult : ActionResult, IActionResult

For more spesific usages visit

Solution 4:

Simply you can use ObjectResult to return a custom response with a status code.

See the syntax,

return new ObjectResult("Message") {StatusCode = YOUR_STATUS_CODE };

Note - You can pass an object also,

return new ObjectResult(your_model) {StatusCode = YOUR_STATUS_CODE };


public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] SomeData _data)
     // do your stuff

    // return forbidden with custom message
    return new ObjectResult("Forbidden") { StatusCode = 403};

Solution 5:

If you don't return ActionResult for response, you can use the following code :

public List<SomeModel> get()
   ... // check logic

   Response.StatusCode = 403;
   return new List<SomeModel>();