How to set the same static IP address for LAN and wifi interfaces on a Win7 laptop?

When I'm at my desk at home, I connect to my network through my Ethernet LAN port. Sometimes however I have to get up and move my computer around (such as to connect it to a TV in another room), so I disconnect the Ethernet and enable the wifi. My problem however is that I want both the LAN and wifi interfaces to have the same static IP address in my network. Everything worked perfectly on Linux: I could set both interfaces to the same IP, same subnet mask, same default gateway, and same DNS provider. If I had Ethernet connected and wifi enabled at the same time, I would get martian packet messages in the system log, so I would just use the physical switch on the laptop to disable the wifi interface until I needed it.

However, recently I've been configuring a new laptop that runs Windows 7. I wanted to do the same thing as I could do on Linux on the other laptop. After setting the static IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS for the Ethernet interface, I tried to do the same thing for the wifi interface, but I got first the warning that another interface already has the same IP address, and then I got the message about multiple default gateways as being intended to provide redundancy. I dismissed both warnings (No, then Yes) and clicked Close. But when I opened up the properties for the wifi interface again, the IP address and subnet mask fields were blank. Everytime I enter them, they are blank when I reopen the properties page. The Ethernet interface's properties page still has the same information.

So basically my question is, how can I set this up properly without Windows blanking out the settings for the wifi interface? If it can work properly in Linux, why can't it work here?

Solution 1:

First of all, I don't know the answer to your question. I've looked at the settings and don't see a way to do it.

But I also think it is a bad idea. In setting your wifi and ethernet interfaces to the same IP you are fooling the other devices on your network. Apparently this has worked fine for you on Linux, but you really aren't supposed to do this so I would suggest avoiding it.