What effect do the lesser character stats have?

There are 3 major character stats (Mastery, Presence, and Endurance) plus Expertise for PvP. On your character sheet, you can mouse over the stat and it gives you a decent summary of what the stat does. (More melee damage, increase effectiveness of your companion, etc.)

But there are 9 other stats that you find on various armor stats or abilities. But there aren't all listed directly as a stat on the character page.

For example, Accuracy is, but only if you switch to the correct drop-option and you're a class that can use it. If the below stats aren't listed in any of the drop-downs on your character page, does that mean that can't help your class at all and should be ignored completely?

What do the following stats do for your character?

  • Accuracy
  • Alacrity
  • Armor
  • Critical
  • Damage Reduction
  • Defense
  • Power
  • Shield
  • Surge

Solution 1:

The exact effects of these stats vary with level and sometimes with class, so precise effects aren't possible in the general case like this.

All definitions are from the Caracter page in-game.

Absorption - more absorption means more damage mitigated when you shield an attack.

Accuracy - reduces chance to "miss" your opponent. Once you have 0% chance to miss, reduces opponents defenses instead.

Alacrity - makes spells channel, tick, or cast faster.

Armor - Reduces kinetic and energy damage by a constant %.

Critical - increases chance for a critical strike.

Surge - increases the bonus % on a critical strike.

Damage Reduction - Just a listing of the various types of damage on your character, currently

Defense - increases parry and deflect rates

Power - provides a bonus to tech and force abilities. (Your abilities scale with Power. Your class' main stat provides Power as one of its benefits. Depending on class, this could be Aim, Strength, Cunning, or Willpower)

Shield - base chance to shield.

Glance Rating - increases chance to shield

Solution 2:

According to an administrator of swtorgeeks.com:

  • Accuracy – Hit Rating and armor and spell penetration

  • Alacrity – Haste

  • Armor – reduces physical and kinetic damage (all Tech and Force powers unless listed otherwise are Kinetic)

  • Crit – gives melee, force and tech crit

  • Defense – increases Parry/Deflect

  • Power – adds melee, force and tech damage

  • Shield – increases chance to be shielded on attack

  • Surge – increased critical damage

And some you didn't mention:

  • Absorption – increases the % of damage shaved off shielded attacks

  • Expertise – PvP stat. (Similar to Resilience in Wow) Increase damage and healing and reduces damage tanken

  • Force/Tech Power – Works exactly like power

  • Presence – boost companion health, damage and healing

These are also the same effects described in The Star Wars Leveling Guide.