Are there infinitely many primes of the form $4n^{2}+3$?

Solution 1:

Many people "would like to have an argument working for $n^2$", but what is available at the moment (and for the last two centuries) are conjectures. For any list of integer polynomials there is a conjecture on how often all polynomials on the list are prime:

It is extremely hard to prove that any natural set of integers of density 0 contains infinitely many primes. It is known for the set of values of $x^2 + y^4$ but not for the values of any single-variable polynomial of degree higher than one.

The asymptotic formula in the Bateman-Horn conjecture isn't necessarily the most general expression of what people in the field believe to be true (and it is probably a lot older than Bateman and Horn's article that formally codified it), but it does subsume many earlier conjectures on primes of the form $n^2+1$, prime twins and k-tuplets, Schinzel's Hypothesis and Buniakowsy's conjecture. You can calculate from the formula the predicted frequency of $n$ such that $4n^2 + 3$ is prime.