My IBus pinyin broke with 14.04 release upgrade

Solution 1:

I found this post that fixes the same problem for me:

run ibus-daemon -drx

and possibly a restart after that.

Solution 2:

I have the same problem. I tried ibus-pinyin, sunpinyin and googlepinyin. The first two were broken. The third has a slow refreshing issue.

I think ibus is just not ready for Ubuntu 14.04 now. I tried fcitx, which is another input engine. It works well. Here is an article about it.

I assume you have no problem reading a Chinese web page.

Solution 3:

As documented at Pinyin Joe try to replace ibus-pinyin with ibus-libpinyin:

apt-get remove ibus-pinyin
apt-get install ibus-libpinyin