Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty doesn't utilize hot corners after rebooting

Everytime I reboot, I've to turn off and on hotcorners from unity-tweak-tool. Other wise hot corners don't work. Any fix??
Thanks in advance!

Solution 1:

Same happended to me. But, first of all, after I upgraded to 14.04 I didn't have this problem, it happened like two days ago after an update. The point is that I solved it by applying a solution I once knew worked for 13.04. Its the following:

  • Run the dconf-editor:

    $ dconf-editor

    (if you don't have it install it by: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools)

  • In the pop-up window go to the list on the left and open "core", which you find in the following order:

    org -> compiz -> profiles -> unity -> plugins -> core

  • Once selected "core", on the right find a key named "active-plugins", and change the order of the last three entries in the "Value" field, so that the last ones are 'unityshell', 'expo' and 'scale'. For ease of the procedure, delete all the entries in the "Value" field, copy the following lines and paste them in the "Value" field:

    ['core', 'composite', 'opengl', 'copytex', 'compiztoolbox', 'resize', 'mousepoll', 'wall', 'widget', 'grid', 'imgpng', 'snap', 'move', 'place', 'regex', 'vpswitch', 'animation', 'session', 'unitymtgrabhandles', 'workarounds', 'fade', 'ezoom', 'unityshell', 'expo', 'scale']

  • Reboot.

Solution 2:

Hi guys I am very new to Linux (less 24 hours) but I've already met with this problem and found a solution.

Go to Startup Applications then ADD a new one, give it a name (doesn't matter what) and add this command:

compiz --replace

Then save. restart and enjoy.

Edit> doesnt work reliably, though.